Sunday, August 26, 2012


I bought a new grooming tool at the state fair haven't tried it yet, but I will be soon and I'll post my review once I've tried it

I hope it works!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Exploding Anal Glands!!!!

Yes you read that right. My poor little Lola had one of her anal glands explode. Luckily I didn't see it happen as I read online it's quite the freaky site. Poor little Lola had Diarrhea and I didn't think to much of it because that does happen from time to time so I decided just to watch her and see how she was doing. The Diarrhea slowed down and I thought she was on the mend. I went to work on Friday and come home to find out Lola had been licking her butt all day and it was red and inflamed. This was 5:40PM and my vet closed at 6:00PM on Friday. So still not realizing the severity of what was going on with Lola ,but knowing that her baboon butt. (that's the best way I can describe it) must have hurt like crazy. I did some searching online and read things like it could just be irritated from the diarrhea or could be "worms" (glad it wasn't that) or it could be Anal Gland issues, but being the expert that I am decided it must just be irritated from the Diarrhea so I bathed her and also put a warm compress on there and put a little bit of neosporin on there. All of this I read online. I had decided that I would call the vet in the morning luckily my vet is open on Saturdays from 8-2PM. I called and they said they were all booked up, but were nice enough to squeeze us in at 10:30PM. By this point Lola was actually acting a little more chipper so I thought maybe whatever it was had passed, but I still wanted to bring her in just to be sure. I took her in and the vet saw her took her in the back and came back in without her and "said what a little trouper she is" she explained that her one anal gland was impacted and the other one exploded which basically means it came through her skin and then burst and that is what was causing the diarrhea not the other way around. Poor baby she must have been in some excruciating pain for at least the last two days or so. They kept her at the vet sedated her so they could clean up the area and express the other anal gland. So I left her there and went home for bit. They called me back to get her about 40 minutes later she was so loopy she reminded me of the youtube video called David after the Dentist. I thought about filming her, but nah I didn't. she could barely hold her head up. The vet sent her home with an oral antibiotic, a pain med and a topic cream. after I got home with her she slept for about 2 hours straight only waking up because someone outside shot off a fire cracker (thanks ass hole) in there defense I don't know who they were and they don't know me so they didn't do it on purpose, but that and thunderstorms are Lola's worst fears she freaks out. still loopy she ran down the stairs which I was just advised by the vet not to let her do. fortunately she didn't fall, but after that I decided to put her in the bathroom for awhile. I originally had plans to go to a movie so decided to go and left her in the bathroom. She was in there for another 2.5 hours by the time I came home she was wide awake and that brings us to now she had her dinner and now she is contently staring out the window still just the tiniest bit loopy doped up on pain med. I will be giving her the 3 medicines for the next 7 days. the vet said that she should heal nicely on her own. so my poor baby is now on the mend. it was an expensive day, but I'm glad I didn't wait any longer to get her the help. Lesson learned if your dog has an inflamed or is abnormally red get them to the vet as soon as possible and get those anal glands checked out on a regular basis.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lola and Her Duck

Here is Lola and her one and only favorite toy the only toy she will play with period

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stay Tuned

Many Things to come from this blog in 2012!